I finished building my vine trellis tunnel. Come back next year to see if nature populates it: I’m attempting to measure my gut health by measuring food transit time. One night blue fruit yogurt, the next night red. Unfortunately the green veggies dominated, I’ll have to try coloring those next: I offered to share my…
Galling PawPaw Trellis
I have ambitions to create a trellis tunnel. I picked a spot with lots of English ivy and Virginia creeper vines and planted some timbers: We enjoyed a visit from Eric’s dad James and brother Don: James gave us a soft shelled turtle: I learned the primary way of making black ink for hundreds of…
News from out West, a Granddaughter is being manufactured! I’m manufacturing new trees via a process called air layering, cloning a tree from a branch: Our first ‘campout’ went well, no dog -vs- racoon fights: Helen said goodbye to her kitchen couch: My latest tech video: Cat people -vs- Dog people: Just got my first…
Banzai Bonsai
One of my bonsai went banzai during a wind storm and jumped off the deck, but his drip hose saved him: My more sensible bonsai booked some time at a nearby portrait studio: Some of the wood guys joined in the fun: Tom Brady got me a new phone. Silly me tried to watch an…
Gazebo Sauna
Zach and Lauren have grown fond of Philipsburg MT, a small ex-mining town between Bozeman and Missoula. They found a 10 acre plot on the slopes right next to town. No utilities and a primitive road, but that challenge appealed to Zach 🙂 I erected our hill-top gazebo in 90 seconds: Getting a futon up…
I broke last year’s count of 117 backyard plants, this year: 152! I made a poster: Also made a how-to video: More detailed lists of our backyard menagerie are at brucewinter.net/iNaturalist . I got this idea of camping overnight in our backyard, but then I got to thinking about snakes and mosquitos. So I dug…