Two unrelated mystery photos: I gave our House a nose and some fingers so it now can detect smoke and turn on our stove fan: White Doggy collected a couple of ticks. One was a little too well fed: Made a canvas print of Alabama critters. Except for the seagulls, all these photos were taken…
Bad Dog
Care to guess what this is and where it came from? One of these birds would be happy to eat it, the other would not: The white dog birthed it. He developed a 1″ bump on his side with a small hole in the middle: We thought it was a spider bite, but after seeing…
I found some interesting tree roots deep in our backyard forest and transformed them into root sculptures. I was calling them root-tures, then sculpt-a-root, now I just call them pretty . This one is our new doorman: This beauty weighs 80 lbs! Also made a few wood-mats from a newly fallen hickory tree: Helen made…
Dog -vs- AI
My geek project this month is a likely futile attempt at anti-bark training, using a neural network to detect barking: Helen finally gave up after spending many unhappy hours swearing at her $100 sewing machine. She splurged on an old fashion cordless version: I varnished some interesting pieces of wood, one of which Helen is…
Eye Guy
In an act of isolation silliness, I Frankensteind a new member into our house. We call him ‘The Eye Guy”: Some more details along with some creepy music here: This month’s mystery photo: Mom is happily back home after 1 month in month in hospital. Scott and Terri are taking good care of her: Helen’s…
19 Pictures from our first month of ‘The Great Empty’ in AL. A couple of semi-gross mystery photos: Virus hunter and seamstress Helen re-purposed some of my old muscle shirts (why/how did I ever wear those?!): In other bad news, Mom broke her hip a few days ago. MC hospital staff, Scott, & Teri are…