Yip ya hi, Bruce here. There’s a surprise eh 🙂 Beaut of a fall day here. Did myyearly window washing today. All visitors were warned of the invisiblewindows, lest they accidently walk trough them. So naturally, all of Zack’sfriends try to walk through them. They were the cleanest windows in townfor about 5 minutes. Now…
FW: Hi from Rochester,10/04/2003
Greets, Big 18th birthday for a couple of boys here today! Pizza and movies foreveryone. Nick wanted to go to 2 movies today, so he picked a comedy forLaurie (‘School of Rock’) and a action flick for me (some movie with ‘TheRock’ ex-wrestler in it). Tomorrow Zack has invited a boatload of friendsover for a…
FW: Hi from Rochester, 11/01/2003
Hi Ho, Zack has a friend named Derek who got this idea last weekend. He thoughtwe should clean, insulate, sheetrock, and paint our garage. He was mostenthusiastic and offered his services, so I couldn’t say no. Last weekendwe rented one of those big 20 yard dumpsters and started deleting old junkout of the garage (deleting…
FW: Nick 8/31/2004
Hello from Oberlin! I’ve just registered for classes: intros to chemisty, computer science,creative writing (poetry), and a first-year seminar about Jello cubes orpyromania or underwater accounting or something, I’m not entirely sure. I’veheard that I have the worst of the Chem 101 professors and don’t knowanything about the others. I got into all of my…
FW: Hi from Rochester, 9/6/2003
oH, iH, Greets from Z and B for the Eastern Winter clan. Nick would say hi also,but he and Laurie are on a college scouting adventure this weekend. Theyleft Friday after school and staid in Madison Wisconsin last night. Afterwondering the campus this morning, they were off to University of Illinoisin Chicago. Nick has very…
Nick 9/25/2004: Life within Oberlin
Lo. College is like the best ever, I’m more happy now than I’ve been since I wasa woodpecker, and I have the luck of a creamless bagel: not only did I get acorner room, but I pretty much got the sweetest floor in the sweetest dorm(all first-years). Everyone is interesting and hangs out all the…