We had a couple of feet of snow a few weeks ago, so you know that that means! This is a 30 minute 8 footer … that last foot is the hardest (no ladders allowed): Helen helped me give it some more character the next day: He started slowly tipping over, despite my encouragement…
Inappropriate handling of a woman
Only a small mystery in this photo: The mystery is not who (I confess, is me), but rather what (am I doing!) Our leaves are finally Falling, very pretty: Until this last week, we were getting flowers from our yard: And the Stink bugs are doing their annual Fall invasion. I heard they…
Slot Canyon Canyoneering in Zion
SLC natives are the only one that have a shot at figuring out this mystery photo: I dragged Helen to an outdoor concert at Red Butte Gardens: Abbey and Colin joined us, along with some picnic foods: The concert was a creative new UT group, “The Piano Guys”: It was taped for a PBS show…
Fully decked, with Aliens
Three mystery photos this month: While you ponder those, I have a new deck to introduce. Here is a before shot: This is a during shot: This is one of the deck guys wondering what he got himself into with a labyrinth of steps: And an after shot: More before/after shots from a different angle: …
Montana Lake People
This month’s pictures tell a story most of you already know, since most of you were there. But I’m telling it anyway, since most of the pictures I have this month are from that story. A couple of years ago, flying back to Australia after a visit to Montana, this girl gets an idea: (Sister…
Fawn Poop
Two mystery’s photos. The first can happen when you leave your house for 3 months: The second took the skills of both Bruce and Helen to create: We have been baking along with most of the rest of the country. Highs in the upper 90’s for the last 8 weeks, 102 degrees today. So hot…