We took a trip down to Alabama’s Gulf Shore for some good old fashion beach lounging: We found jelly fish of all shapes and sizes: We also found a Stingray Ghost … maybe the jellys got the better of him? … and non-ghost herons … … and pelicans … … and this itty-bitty-fish-that-looks-like-a-big-fish fish: He is now hiding…
1 minute trail builder
The newest member of our backyard menagerie, a red-tailed hawk: Unrelated to the red-tailed moth (I made up that name, but seems to fit): Some of the other residents tried to ask the hawk what his intentions where: But he simply started at them: So now most of the birds seem a little more vigilant:…
Slime mold and Battle Bugs
Guess ‘who’ moved into the neighborhood: A pair of barn owls had a pair babies this spring, so we now see one of them fairly often: They normally sing the fun and familiar ‘who cooks for you’ song, but at night they occasionally make a really scary jungle monkey sound. At least we hope that is them…
It rained Tulips!
For a few weeks last month, these tulip flowers rained down on everthing in our backyard, including on this guy: Turns out we have a bunch of tulip trees! They only flower at the top of the tree, and only when the tree is mature and tall, so you never see them until they rain….
Alabama is Springing
Trying out a new blogging platform at medium.com, but copying back to blogger as a backup, at least initially. We are very much enjoying spring in the South East. Doggy is eating all kinds of new green stuff: Seems every yard, including ours, has Azaleas of all colors: In my geek video this month I…
Trying a Medium Move
Trying a move to a new blogging platform. New posts will be at: http://medium.com/bruce-photos See you there … hopefully you won’t get lost and walk off a cliff like this guy: Bruce