This month’s mystery photo (click to enlarge):
This beauty discovered our backyard waters:
Initially we were enchanted, then we discovered Helen’s beloved little fishes were disappearing. We caught his evil work on our net-cams:

This offended Helen greatly, so she bought some alligator and heron decoys, but they were not effective:

So now she enlists our guard dogs, who are an effective deterrent:
Here is an expanded view of that mystery photo. Hint: it is not an impressionistic painting of a human head, but it is somewhat fishy:

Following in my parental footsteps, I created an not-so-fancy indoor greenhouse to get some vegetable garden seedlings started:
Zach is moved into his van full time. This is how he drove his car, trailer, and motorcycle to Hysham for storage:

I rigged a motor to our bedroom window so the house can automatically open/close it for fresh air, depending on temperatures:
The mystery photo was of one of our pond fish, re-configured by the heron into bird poop:

Closing with a foggy vista shot from our swing:

The foggy vista is great shot !
I’ve set your mystery photo as my desktop background (for a bit)