I have ambitions to create a trellis tunnel. I picked a spot with lots of English ivy and Virginia creeper vines and planted some timbers:
We enjoyed a visit from Eric’s dad James and brother Don:
James gave us a soft shelled turtle:
I learned the primary way of making black ink for hundreds of years was by pulverizing dried oak galls, which are the cocoons that oak wasps make:
Another thing Alabama taught me is that Lewis & Clark were saved on their trip back by the pawpaw fruit. It is North America’s largest edible fruit, tastes a cross of bananas and mangos. They start of small, but get up to 6″ long:
Doggies (and us) have been enjoying our gazebo campouts:

This month’s tech video has me talking to water:
My chainsaw deleted some more unwanted invasive trees:
In their place I’m expecting nature to deliver some pretty replacements, like these: