Hi Ho,
Happy Valentines to all. I spent the part of this weekend moving our
little radio station ( http://misterhouse.net:8000 ) to the same Linux box
our web server is on so I could free up a computer to give to our friends
(Coreliee and Ray) who have struck a deal with the local utility company to
install a pilot project active solar panel system on their house and need a
system to monitor things like temperature, sunlight, and power to/from the
house, so they buddied up with their friendly engineer who knows how to do
such things and viola … a computer system that can monitor energy data and
send it on to the power company, all in less than one massive one illegally
long and totally unreadable sentence
On Friday I was a science fair judge, all in one totally short an
detail-less sentence.
The rest of this weekend I have spent with Nick watching a batch of DVD’s.
When Nick and I go to rent DVD’s, I usually don’t get out of the store with
less than 5 DVDs, sometimes 6. It is the deal I make with Nick. He
drives, I rent. Nick hates to drive, but he likes to watch movies, so
gradually he is learning to drive better. At least to and from the video
store. So instead of paying a driving instructor, we get to watch DVDs.
And sometimes we learn stuff from them. If you watch enough movies, you
are pretty much guaranteed to learn something useful. Take for example the
latest Star Trek movie, Nemesis. We learned just how much Nick really
dislikes Star Trek movies.
Speaking of Nick, shortly after Christmas, we started seeing more and more
of Nick, who instead of nightly raids on Everquest (an online computer game
that he has played for several years), was often seen reading a book or
wandering off to explore unknown snow banks in far away neighborhoods.
When I asked him ‘whatsup with Everquest’, he simply replied ‘I retired’.
He just up and quit. At least he has stayed quit for over a month so far.
He figured it was time to try something different. Us parents were most
happy for him, so I offered him to buy him a car as a reward. Fortunately,
as expected, he declined