In an act of isolation silliness, I Frankensteind a new member into our house. We call him ‘The Eye Guy”:

Some more details along with some creepy music here:
This month’s mystery photo:

Mom is happily back home after 1 month in month in hospital. Scott and Terri are taking good care of her:
Helen’s workplace is slowly, and carefully, restarting:
Helen and Aya have been tele-exercising and tele-sketching:
I’ve gone a bit carin crazy, recruiting and stacking about a ga-ba-zillion rocks:

One of those rocks came with a 4′ rat snake:

Two other forest critters said hello:
Our garden is flourishing. That mystery photo was the center of a sunflower:
Closing with some spring flowers:
I really like this one, neighboring spider-warts holding hands. It is refreshing to see some parts of this crazy world need not be concerned with social/physical distancing 🙂

Sunflower, I guessed right !
Very nice! Love the rock stacking! We actually have some sunflowers.