My geek project this month is a likely futile attempt at anti-bark training, using a neural network to detect barking:
Helen finally gave up after spending many unhappy hours swearing at her $100 sewing machine. She splurged on an old fashion cordless version:

I varnished some interesting pieces of wood, one of which Helen is using as a tree for her CoVid masks:
N&C are having adventures working full time from home with energetic full time at-home kids:

Speaking of N&C, I re-used the cord we used to string up the outdoor lights at their wedding to fix a few of our fabric-ripped patio chairs:
Still finding a few spots to expand my forest trail empire:
One creek crossing trail segment required the cutting of a log:
Closing with some FF&C (Forest Flowers & Critters). One of these is a Helen critter, probably not hard to guess: