One of my bonsai went banzai during a wind storm and jumped off the deck, but his drip hose saved him:

My more sensible bonsai booked some time at a nearby portrait studio:

Some of the wood guys joined in the fun:
Tom Brady got me a new phone. Silly me tried to watch an NFL playoff game whilst hot-tubbing. Brady won, but my dropped phone lost. So I penalized myself by using a tablet as a phone for a few weeks until my new phone became available. The S21 has 5 cameras!
We decided 1 car is more than enough for us, so we sold Irina’s Yaris:

We got some snow and ice. Alligator was not impressed:
Fired up our seedling greenhouse. Squash, eggplants, and sweet potatoes:

Zach and Lauren are adopting a Huskie rescue. Two blue eyed guys:

Aya cut Helen’s hair. Trying short hair for the first time ever!

My geek video this month takes you into our bedroom to measure our farts:
Closing with a sad frog:
