Hello from Oberlin! I’ve just registered for classes: intros to chemisty, computer science,creative writing (poetry), and a first-year seminar about Jello cubes orpyromania or underwater accounting or something, I’m not entirely sure. I’veheard that I have the worst of the Chem 101 professors and don’t knowanything about the others. I got into all of my…
Author: brucewinter
FW: Hi from Rochester, 9/6/2003
oH, iH, Greets from Z and B for the Eastern Winter clan. Nick would say hi also,but he and Laurie are on a college scouting adventure this weekend. Theyleft Friday after school and staid in Madison Wisconsin last night. Afterwondering the campus this morning, they were off to University of Illinoisin Chicago. Nick has very…
Nick 9/25/2004: Life within Oberlin
Lo. College is like the best ever, I’m more happy now than I’ve been since I wasa woodpecker, and I have the luck of a creamless bagel: not only did I get acorner room, but I pretty much got the sweetest floor in the sweetest dorm(all first-years). Everyone is interesting and hangs out all the…
FW: Hi from Rochester, 8/10/2003
Hi Ho, A very quiet and peaceful week here. Nick and I have been hanging outhaving wild parties, as we so often do. Usually involving Nick, myself, astack of chocolate chip pancakes, and a chessboard. I’ve been playing afair amount of chess with some really good players at work during lunch.In theory, I should be…
FW: Hi from Rochester, 8/24/2003
Hi Ho, Been hot, dry, and humid here the last few weeks. Dry AND Humid you say?Dry plants, humid air. It can happen. I guess I shouldn’t have plantedthat grass seed a few weeks ago. Patching up where we had our dead fronttree mowed down earlier this year. I’m keeping it alive, usually bywatering it…
FW: Hi from Rochester, 7/05/2003
Hi all, Zack had a great time in Belize. Many beautiful dives and hikes. He cameback with a backpack full of many zip locked baks full of mildewing cloths.It never gets dry down their in that jungle humidity, so the solution is ziplock bags. Nothing our washer couldn’t handle. He was covered withlittle fly bytes…