Yo, Happy Leap day. Made it by 5 minutes! We just finished our taxes today. Laurie and I filed joint in ’03 and shehas been working all week to get her tax data gathered. We needed to getthem done early so we could finish applying for financial aid at the schoolsNick applied to. Last week…
Author: brucewinter
FW: Hi from Rochester, 9/21/2003
Yo ho all, Another Zach-less weekend for us. Zack stayed up till 2 am Friday morninginstalling systems in 2 BIG pickups (Zack’s supplier shipped things late),then tried to wake up at 5 am to catch a ride to a wedding in Iowa(girlfriend Jessica’s sister). He figured his alarm might have a hard timewaking him up,…
FW: Hi from Rochester, 11/23/2003
Hello-ee, Got just a skif of snow today, not the 6 inches predicted. The boys wouldlike more, but might be just as well, as Nick has his first driving testcoming up on Wednesday. Probably easier without having to doge the snowplows. Zack got the job at the pawn shop! His first day was Wednesday. So…
FW: Hi from Rochester, 10/18/2003
Yip ya hi, Bruce here. There’s a surprise eh 🙂 Beaut of a fall day here. Did myyearly window washing today. All visitors were warned of the invisiblewindows, lest they accidently walk trough them. So naturally, all of Zack’sfriends try to walk through them. They were the cleanest windows in townfor about 5 minutes. Now…
FW: Hi from Rochester,10/04/2003
Greets, Big 18th birthday for a couple of boys here today! Pizza and movies foreveryone. Nick wanted to go to 2 movies today, so he picked a comedy forLaurie (‘School of Rock’) and a action flick for me (some movie with ‘TheRock’ ex-wrestler in it). Tomorrow Zack has invited a boatload of friendsover for a…
FW: Hi from Rochester, 11/01/2003
Hi Ho, Zack has a friend named Derek who got this idea last weekend. He thoughtwe should clean, insulate, sheetrock, and paint our garage. He was mostenthusiastic and offered his services, so I couldn’t say no. Last weekendwe rented one of those big 20 yard dumpsters and started deleting old junkout of the garage (deleting…