Strange how you don’t miss people until they are gone. I miss cousin TimDierenfield (for those who did not hear, he died in a fire on Friday). Isaw Tim last summer for the first time in 30 years. I had not thoughtabout him too much before or since then. I have thought much about him…
Author: brucewinter
FW: News from MN, 4/4/2004
Hi all, Looks like I missed my every other week email last weekend, but I had anexcuse. Nick and I spent last weekend up in the cities at the state highschool chess tournament. He won his first 3 games on Saturday, but didn’tfair so well on Sunday. They had some good players up there! His…
FW: News from MN, 3/14/2004
Whatsup! Nick and I just watched ‘O’, and recent movie about a high school basketballstart, following the Shakespeare Othello theme. A classic and effectivetragedy. One of the extras on the DVD was a 1922 version, which we alsowatched. It is a silent movie, where they display text on the screen waytoo long for us modern…
FW: News from MN, 1/15/2004
Hi Ho, Happy Valentines to all. I spent the part of this weekend moving ourlittle radio station ( ) to the same Linux boxour web server is on so I could free up a computer to give to our friends(Coreliee and Ray) who have struck a deal with the local utility company toinstall a…
FW: News from MN, 2/01/2004
Hi all, Sitting about 15 feet from my letter typing fingers sits a 3 day old bigscreen TV. Our belated family xmas present. Zach and his friend Derektalked me into buying a bigger than planned tv, a 61 inch RCA dlp. NiceTV, a bit better than the 20″ one it replaced. Bright enough even duringa…
FW: News from MN, 1/11/2004
Hi all, Lets see … looks like last letter was 12/07. In one month we: – Blew the transmit on on our van, 2nd time in 1 year. This one waswarranted, but the dealer said Zack gets to pay for the next one 😉 – Slid the White car into a ditch one icy evening….