Merryies and happy new thingies to one and all, 40 and dry here. We DID have some snow for a week or 2. Gave us achance to try out Helen’s x-country skies, as is evidenced by the overexcited skier in the 1st photo. Helen’s son Noah (a Junior at CMU music school in Pittsburgh) anddaughter…
Author: brucewinter
[Fwd: Spiral bookshelf]
One more photo (Zach admiring Jessy’s new dew that she got on her birthday a few days ago) and a letter from Nick! ———— Hi yo, So I’m going to China this January. That is going to be totally unrealright up until the moment I eat some dumplings, I think. Having neversignificantly traveled alone before,…
News from MN, 11/10/2006
Greets from the land of Geeks, Heard from Nick today. He is finalizing his winter break China trip plans in January. After a week here at xmas, he will travel to Beijing, then to Chengdu in the Sichuan province. Chengdu is China’s 5th biggest city, with only 10 million people. Still a bit too many…
[Fwd: Temporary Art Installation Permit]
Forwarding a letter from Nickmaster. As a post-halloween treat, am attaching a picture of a brain that Helenand I made. A milk gelatin desert, with a bit too much gelitan, so wasa pretty solid brain. But it sure looked the part, as might be expectedwhen a neurologist builds a brain treat. It scared off food…
News from MN, 10/27/2006
To all yee spooks and goblins, I say bye. To everyone else I say hi! I played Mr Mover this week. Laurie is loving Asheville (NorthCarolina), so much so that she has decided to stay down there after her6 month house siting job is done this spring, so she no longer neededhere apartment here. I…
News from MN, 10/08/2006
YoAll, N&Z turned 21 last week. Yikes! Me boys are grown ups. Much alcohol was not consumed. Zack’s buddies tried their best to get him to go out on his birthday and get his free 21st birthday drinks, but he is not much of a bar man. But he is very much a ‘large birthday…