Hi-es, This months news in 5 seconds: Z&J Cruise, L visit, M&D visit, Z inNashville, N research. This months news in pictures. Pictures are in jumbled order (new Vistatrick, using ‘send to mail’ allows for easy resizing, but trickyordering). Somewhere in the pile you will find 2 pictures of Zach andJessy from the cruise they…
Author: brucewinter
News from MN, 3/24/2007
Hellos, Our 2 feet of snow got warm enough to be snowmanable, so I snowmaned a few weekends ago, cause Nick told me to. I created what I believe is the tallest-one-man-without-a-ladder-snowman ever created. It would have been the tallest-one-man-one-woman-snowman ever created, but Helen had to work that day. It is not as tall as…
Re: News from MN, 2/04/2007
Hi Bruce, Glad to see that your brother in laws “down under” influence is finely catching on. We”ll make an aussie of you yet :)) LoveYour Budgie Smuggler wearing Brother In Law :)) —– Original Message —– From: “Bruce Winter” <brucewinter@gmail.com>To: “Malcolm & Beth Winter” <mwinter@midrivers.com>; “Laurie” <l.winter@earthlink.com>; <brucewinter@gmail.com>; <nick@misterhouse.net>; <zachwinter@gmail.com>; <suewinter@hotkey.net.au>; “Brad & Sue…
News from MN, 2/04/2007
Greets all, In the last 2 weeks, we (Helen and I) have traveled to warm waters and back (from 10 degrees F, to 80, and now back to -10!) and we found and communed with the world traveling Nick for a few days. And I have several hundred new photos I could share, but I’ve…
News from MN, 01/16/2007
Sir Nick, Thanks for the email update! Many happies that your trip is going well and that you have found friends and something good to eat in lieu of your terrorist toothpaste that is now feeding the airport gnomes. Just read up a bit on Chongqing. Apparently a bit hilly, so is the only big…
News from MN, 1/07/2007
Hi all, Please excuse me for writing again so quickly (looks like 9 days ago,less than my 2-3 week average). We just got our 1st email from Nickconfirming that he made it to China ok and is doing well, so wanted topass it along. Helen and I made a quick trip to New Hampshire last…