HiHo, We had a lovely 2 weeks at the lake in NH. Short video and tons of photos here: http://picasaweb.google.com/brucewinter/2008NewHampshire Slideshow version here: http://picasaweb.google.com/brucewinter/2008NewHampshire#slideshow And Helen posted some photos here: http://bloomiesphotoalbum.blogspot.com I broke my cleanliness backpacking record, not taking a shower or bath for 20 days. That included gather lots of good sweat from fun…
Author: brucewinter
News from NY, 8/10/2008
HiYo, I had a good trip back to the Rochester a couple of weeks ago. Had lots of productive visits with the Beemers (IBM guys) as well as a nice visit with Zach and friends. Zach and I arm wrestled to see who would get the upstairs bedroom and who would get the living room…
News from NY, 7/20/2008
HiHi, I turnified 50 a few weeks ago. Much to Helen’s dismay, I managed to keep my 50th a low key event. ‘Big round number birthdays’ are a bigger deal in Helen’s thinking. I’m thinking 100 would be something worth celebrating, so we made a party date for that. To avoid the Bruce 50th birthday…
News from NY, 6/30/2008
Hey peoples, It has been a month, so here I am, dutifully recording New York happenings. Actually, not a lot of happenings to record. We have had a few weeks off from traveling, so it has been pleasantly relaxing. Not that traveling to Seattle was not fun! (double negative, I think that means it WAS…
News from NY, 06/01/2008
HeyHi, Got this pic from Zach last week. His car is looking great! We did 2 graduation trips the last 2 weekends. First was to CMU in Pittsburgh for Noah’s graduation from the school of music (piano). Al Gore gave a good commencement speech. You can guess the topic. He didn’t mention it, but I…
News from NY, 05/15/2008
Nick’s grant got interneted: http://www.oberlin.edu/news-info/08apr/CLFellowship.html He gets graduated weekend after next (Memorial day). Helen’s son Noah gets his hat from CMU music school next weekend. He is off to grad school in Bolder this fall. Those how don’t like daring car stories will want to skip the next 5 paragraphs. Zach found a great 2000…