In snowfall. And I hear the Syracuse basketball team is hoping to work its way to Number 1 also. We started slow in snow this year, but have caught up to average snowfall, about 100 inches. Not as much as last year (180 inches!), but it is enough to put Syracuse back in its normal…
Author: brucewinter
St Thomas 2010
The green eyed monster made another appearance, on his way back from the M* states (MT, MN, MI) to NJ. This is Zach making sure his nose is not too close to the monster. For fear of it passing gas, you want to keep the offending orifice at least an arms length away: Unfortunately,…
Twenty Ten
Repeat after me … Twenty Ten, not Two Thousand and Ten. Fewer syllables. According to my calculations, given the number of years left in this century, times the growing number of English speakers, times PI**42, we collectively save enough energy in auditory output to slow the rate of thermodynamic entropic decay and we delay the…
Green eyed monster
We had many travels to and from Syracuse in November. We started with a visit to the Billings Clinic. An impressive facility and nice folks: Then we visited the University Hospital in Salt Lake City: Beautiful mountain views And this city comes with a built in cousin (Abbey): Finally we visited Casper Wyoming. About…
Adirondack Railroad
Today, I boast of 3 skills. 1: I can juggle 6 lbs (3 x 2lb balls) 500 times. And then my forearms fall off: 2: I can rep a 20 lb weight 100 times, then my entire arm falls off: 3: We can host a 1500 lb party (10 of Helen’s co-workers) on our little…
Lake Vacation
Vacation time! We spent 2 lovely weeks at the lake. My goal this trip was to learn how to swim freestyle (aka ‘the crawl’) better. Like many people, I could swim it clumsily for 10 seconds or so, then my lungs would stop me, complaining about either not enough air or too much water, or…