Happy Birthday to Dad, 85 today! I bet you can’t figure out what this is: You have till the end of this post to place your bets. A couple of months ago the large open pit Kennecott copper mine West of Salt Lake City had a massive landslide: Their sensors warned them it was coming,…
Author: brucewinter
Spring brings fountains, solar sails, and relays
I think this mystery photo is too easy, but is scary pretty: And the hills around here are simply pretty pretty: And the birds above the hills are pretty pretty pretty: I’ve been playing a game with the birds that come to the feeders I placed next to our windows … how close can I…
A not so feral cat
Guess who this is: Fortunately it is not a 3d photo, or Irena would have been terrified: A slightly different view of the guy who owns those teeth, here finalizing the circuitry for the Hot Tub solar collector: I got the evacuated solar tubes mounted right above the hot tub: These plots show the various…
Fawns to Bucks
You remember those cute little deer fawns we had pouncing over our pool cover last spring? They grew up: This hawk has been watching them like a hawk: And this wood pecker: Was pecking on our rock siding. Must have been some rock insects in there: Which leads into things that weight about the same…
To kill a lionfish
We started this month with a wonderfully warm trip to St Thomas with Zach and Tiffany: We did tons of snorkeling. This was Tiffany’s first time, she did amazingly well: Zach found some not-so-deep sea not-so-treasury treasure: And we all found tons of fish. Pretty, flat bottom, triangular shaped smooth trunkfish: Spotted drumfish, which look…
Angry Bird
You might guess what this mystery photo is, but you won’t guess how it was made: The challenge with this photo is where was it taken: We had a quick but nice trip to Montana for xmas. Mom’s village was as pretty as ever: With hundreds of interesting characters, like these ice fishermen: We…