We have had a few fun guests this month. This foxy fox only stayed for a minute, traversing our backyard, to much doggy excitement: And this foxy non-fox has been with us for the last few weeks: And this non-foxy non-fox is non-foxy mostly because she is fully dead (I found insects are more…
Author: brucewinter
87 windows and a bunch of round holes
We’ve had a busy but mostly fun month doing a variety of house chores. Lots of window work … I counted a total of 87 windows! We replaced 10 of the 38 big (> 3′) double pane windows which were fogged due to broken seals. It took a variety of ladder configurations,…
Alabama, First Post!
Howdy from Alabama! Our trip from Utah went relatively smoothly. We packed the as with as many plants as we could and headed out about 3 weeks ago: The car fuel line got plugged up in the middle of Nebraska, but cleared up after some slow driving: After 3 days of driving, we arrived…
Meet Max
Last pictures from the Utah house: We are driving to Alabama this weekend, hoping to land in the new house with stuff by end of next week. My last 2 geek videos from Utah: A voice controled solar heated pool A new voice control interface from Amazon We finally got down to San Francisco for…
Moving houses
We picked our next hometown! Many of you already know where, as does this all seeing, all knowing eye guy does: The rest of you will have to scroll to the end of this post to find out. But first, we bring you adventures with lots of recent guests. First up, our artists…
A Greaaaaate Aussie Visit
We had a great (or, as Sue would say, “a greaaaaate”) 5 day visit from Mom and Sister Sue and Brad from the land down under: We drove out to the Bonneville Salt Flats: Sue taste tested the salt … but she was not impressed: Brad got some great photos. Brad had a perfect…