This month’s mystery photo (click to enlarge): This beauty discovered our backyard waters: Initially we were enchanted, then we discovered Helen’s beloved little fishes were disappearing. We caught his evil work on our net-cams: This offended Helen greatly, so she bought some alligator and heron decoys, but they were not effective: So now she enlists…
Author: brucewinter
Xmas Bone Head
I learned you can now print 3′ posters for $50, so I updated the drone photo-ed backyard trail map (white lines are the trails) and art-ed our wall: Somewhere in that forest, a bunch of deer hide out: We spent xmas with Mom in Montana. Zach, Nick/Chloe, Max/Clark, and Aya/Eric joined us for all kinds…
Red Beard
We snuck in one more trip down to the gulf before it got too cold: We watched workers embedded a bunch of poles in the sand for a new house. They excavated the holes using nothing but a 15′ pressurized water wand: Back home we had some guests come visit. Elie is a world traveling…
Scary things
Dare to guess what this is? This guy tried to look away from that image, but it was too much for him. He lost his s…t and flew away: The Kids and Kid-lets are all doing well in CA and MT: I setup a rig to watch a pine cone open up. I do know…
Cooking with plastic
We found and adopted a baby Triceratop and we are trying to un-adopt and endless stream of Odorous House Ants.
Today’s mystery photo: The Rochester house renovation is complete. New steel siding all around: And complete up and down interior renovations: We should close on selling it within a few weeks. Zach used his profits from the work he put into the home renovation into buying a new van! He also crashed his bicycle, ripping…