19 Pictures from our first month of ‘The Great Empty’ in AL.
A couple of semi-gross mystery photos:
Virus hunter and seamstress Helen re-purposed some of my old muscle shirts (why/how did I ever wear those?!):
In other bad news, Mom broke her hip a few days ago. MC hospital staff, Scott, & Teri are taking good care of her. Probably not riding any horses for the next few days:
I started a new hobby, rock balancing. Seems some things in life are not very balance-able these days, but rocks are!
Expanded the vegetable garden and got all the seedlings planted. We also hung an herb garden:
Turtle is staying healthy by doing air-obics:
Shianna dropped by for a quick visit and tour of Birmingham. We stopped by the Statue of Liberty (Boy Scouts headquarter’s version). Then off to a totally empty airport for a plane ride back to Australia:
We sat in a stuffy room with 40 other people for 2 hours getting our drivers licence renewed, back before the virus was much of a concern. They examiner was amused that I inadvertently wore the same shirt I did 4 years ago:

That yellow mystery photo was ‘dog vomit slime mold, the other was fox poop. We caught him in the act, then a few days later we caught our first bobcat video!
After seeing those videos, Helen has been keeping a closer eye on doggies:
These forest critters are a little less threating:
I’ve reached my goal of 19 photos this month, but in memory of Dad, gotta add 2 more, early spring flowers Hawksbeard and Fleabane:
Love to all, stay safe.
Love the sunshine you have sent
Consider adding turtle balancing to the rock balancing š
Fleabane! Thanks Bruce!