iNaturalist observations sorted by name
Count totals: Plantae=187,
common copperleaf
Japanese maple
red maple
red maple
red maple
Persian silk tree
giant ragweed
American hog-peanut
eastern bluestar
Five-leaved Jack-in-the-pulpit
Small-Flower Pawpaw
common pawpaw
lesser smoothcap
groundsel tree
leatherleaf mahonia
river birch
Spanish needles
false nettle
cabbage, broccoli, and allies
American beautyberry
Carolina sweetshrub
hairy bittercress
bitternut hickory
common hackberry
mouse-ear chickweed
sensitive pea
Longleaf Woodoats
Common Lambsquarters
white fringetree
Asiatic dayflower
blue mistflower
Greater Tickseed
flowering dogwood
Littlehip hawthorn
arrowhead rattlebox
Madagascar umbrella papyrus
Fragrant flatsedge
panicled ticktrefoil
broad-leaved panic grass
wild yam
American persimmon
thorny olive
American burnweed
Flax-leaved Horseweed
Philadelphia fleabane
daisy fleabane
strawberry bush
late boneset
flowering spurge
False Flowering Spurge
Chinese parasol tree
Carolina buckthorn
eastern milk-pea
catchweed bedstraw
Everlastings and Cudweeds
white avens
Carolina Silverbell
Two-wing Silverbell
american witch-hazel
common ivy
Ciliate Hoarmoss
common hibiscus
summer bluet
wild hydrangea
oakleaf hydrangea
St. Andrew's cross
spotted St. John's wort
Chinese holly
Chinese holly
American holly
common jewelweed
White Morning-glory
tall blue lettuce
red deadnettle
Virginia pepperweed
shrub lespedeza
hairy lespedeza
Pincushion Moss
Chinese privet
Carolina lily
American frogbit
American sweetgum
American sweetgum
tulip tree
downy lobelia
Japanese honeysuckle
southern magnolia
Solomon's plume
Eastern False Aloe
Twoflower Melicgrass
creeping cucumber
Virginia saxifrage
Virginia saxifrage
Fourvalve Mimosa
red mulberry
Heavenly bamboo
Heavenly bamboo
Black Tupelo
tufted yellow woodsorrel
violet woodsorrel
violet woodsorrel
American groundsels and ragworts
Virginia creeper
Dallis grass
yellow passionflower
princess tree
Widespread Maiden Fern
beefsteak plant
spotted lady's thumb
Chinese Photinia
American pokeweed
shortleaf pine
longleaf pine
resurrection fern
Annual Meadow-grass
grasses, sedges, cattails, and allies
Christmas fern
Carolina laurelcherry
Japanese Cherry
Whiteleaf Mountain Mint
Common Pear
swamp white oak
southern red oak
swamp chestnut oak
water oak
northern red oak
Mountain Azalea
Mountain Azalea
Common Rhododendron
Common Dewberry
Pennsylvania Blackberry
Pennsylvania Blackberry
black-eyed Susan
brown-eyed Susan
Common Sorrel
lyreleaf sage
lyreleaf sage
American black elderberry
Black Snakeroot
Alabama Skullcap
fire pink
Starry rosinweed
narrow-leaved blue-eyed grass
bear's foot
saw greenbrier
Lanceleaf Greenbrier
Carolina horsenettle
eastern black nightshade
bluestem goldenrod
Sweet Goldenrod
lesser chickweed
common chickweed
southern annual saltmarsh aster
hairy white oldfield aster
common dandelion
rue anemone
eastern poison ivy
Virginia spiderwort
clasping Venus's looking glass
greater periwinkle
Arrowleaf Violet
common blue violet
cream violet
summer grape
graybark grape
Chinese wisteria
Oriental false hawksbeard
Aloe Yucca